Wednesday 13 February 2013

Westboro Baptist Church Plans To Picket ?Ivy League Whorehouse? Vassar College

If you were distracted by actually flashy, trashy, sex-saturated events on Sunday night, from the Grammys to ?Girls,? it is quite possible you missed the news that Vasser College is an ?Ivy League Whorehouse,? according to the?Westboro Baptist Church.

The church, infamous for protesting everything from funerals of gay soldiers, to a lesbian student?s graduation, to Newtown, Connecticut, to President Obama?s inauguration, plans on taking their LGBT bashing picket signs to Poughkeepsie, New York, on February 28th.

According to their press release:

God Hates Vassar College for following the satanic Zeitgeist by professing the soul-damning lie that it is ?OK to be gay.? That is what the men of Sodom and Gomorrah professed and we see how well that worked for them. WBC will kindly warn everyone affiliated with Vassar College that the Lord that destroyed those ancient cities on the plain yet reigns. Repent or Perish [sic]!

If there?s a silver lining to WBC?s hateful message, it is the amazing response from the Vassar community proudly embracing the 152-year-old liberal arts college, and its free-thinking campus.?Students put together a fundraiser for The Trevor Project, ?the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.??As of noon on Tuesday, February 12, they?ve raised over $17,000 for the organization. (You can learn more about it here.) Good for them for choosing to fight bigotry with positivity.

[The Trevor Project]

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