Tuesday 12 February 2013

Video: Jackie Collins: I won?t write ?Fifty Shades? scenes

>>> 8:45. jackie collins is one of the best-selling authors of all time. 500 million books and counting. her latest is called "the power trip ." jackie collins is back with us. good morning. how are you?

>> good morning, matt. how are you?

>> i'm good. 29 books, is that possible?

>> it's a lot of work.

>> i bet it is.

>> not too bad.

>> you got a lot of drama. you got a lot of sex. five high-powered couples on a yacht trip. this is based on an experience you had.

>> you know, i was aon a yacht with friends of mine , crossing from the south of france to sardinia. in the middle of the night i got very uneasy and i spoke to the captain and said where are we? he said we're on five hours of clear water, there's no land. i suddenly thought, what if we were pirated.

>> is that what happens to these people?

>> they get pirated by somali pirates , yeah.

>> does it have a nice ending?

>> you have to read the book to find that out.

>> you usually don't write things that will make us cry at the end.

>> no, but this is interesting because it's a completely different book for me. it's all these different couples. there's a cheating politician, surprise, surprise.

>> right zl a 50-something movie star and his 20-something girlfriend.

>> let me stop you there. once again you have done this where people immediate speculate that the characters in the book are based on real people . 50-something actor, sexiest guy around, commitment phobe. does this guy, in real life , does his name rhyme with florge fooney?

>> i don't think so.

>> gay latin singing star.

>> i love him. he's great.

>> british soccer player married to a well-known interior designer .

>> but he's african-american. that changes everything, doesn't it?

>> little wrinkle in the seams.

>> did "fifty shades of grey" up the ante for you? do you have to work harder to make those scenes in your book more titillating?

>> my women kick butt. they don't get their butt kicked. i write sex because people's imagination takes over at a certain point and they like erotic sex and strong women , but i don't want my women to get, you know, beaten up, tied up and all of that. that's not for my character. although i think she did a great job.

>> you mentioned strong women . it's funny because we're about to have the academy awards . hollywood seems to be celebrating strong women .

>> at last. at last.

>> with "zero dark thirty" and "lincoln" and we just saw "girls" is that something you're proud of?

>> i'm proud women are doing so well. i've always written strong women . that's one of the secrets of my success. women love my characters, you know. they love the male characters, too. i have flynn in the book, who reminds me a little of you. kind of like a navy s.e.a.l. guy.

>> oh, please. you already put me in one of your books.

>> i always do. i love the idea of a talk show host . i've written two talk show hosts both slightly based on you but not exactly.

>> you're also changing the subject.

>> quickly.

>> real quickly you're writing an autobiography?

>> i am. reform school or hollywood, which is what my parents said to me when i was thrown out of school.

>> you made the right choice, by the way.

>> number 29, that's amazing.

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50781471/

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