Saturday 3 December 2011

Video: Have voters ?moved on? from Cain?

>> thank you. david gregory is moderator of "meet the press." let's start with herman cain . he acknowledged giving money to ginger white. he says his wife didn't know. unlike the sexual harassment allegations no one is leaping to his defense here. do you think voters moved on?

>> i think he has a problem with women and social conservatives who are important in iowa. as you see newt gingrich rise it's a sign herman cain is suffering damage. he can't raise money and that's a problem. he's reassessing. he doesn't have people rallying around him.

>> have you ever seen a political ad where he says a lie detector has examined him?

>> i haven't. i don't need to check with my wife to know not telling your wife that you are financially supporting another woman is not a good idea in politics or generally.

>> thanks for the relationship add a vice. let's go to newt gingrich . the polls show he's the new front runner . we hear according to reports that romney is preparing a strategic offensive against romney . he'd blown off other front runners .

>> he recognizes and his team recognizes something dangerous here. gingrich has the potential to run the table a little bit and be the anti- romney candidate. this is a right for the right. it's gingrich and romney . gingrich says, i will be the nominee. i'm the real conservative in the race by any rational standard. romney wants to keep his fire trained on president obama . that helps with the base because he's certainly more conservative than obama. in this case he knows gingrich will come after him and he'll start to go after gingrich .

>> do you think the matchup has the potential to be the epic prolonged battle we saw for example in 2008 with hillary clinton and then senator obama ?

>> much too early to say. one, newt gingrich has a history of saying things like his comments about children working. 17 years ago he talked about kids going into orphanages and talked about boys town . 17 years to the day almost. he can be undisciplined and gets in trouble. romney has money and they think that helps him. makes it a longer affair. the kind of support gingrich doesn't have right now.

>> romney did an interview. he hasn't done a ton of national interviews and there were moments he seemed irritated by the questioning. what does it say about romney ? does it go to the likability issues he may have with voters?

>> it does. and he doesn't want to do one on one interviews now. he's been debating effectively. he'll have to answer questions about you said this and this. the question about authenticity, these are issues within the primary.

>> what's on "meet the press" this weekend?

>> we'll talk about the presidency. david axelrod and reince preibus will be with me.


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