Monday 26 December 2011

3DS Hits 4 MILLION in Japan, Mario Driving Software Sales

Enterbrain is back with another round-up of Japanese sales figures, this time wrapping it's counting tendrils around some 3DS sales data. The handheld from Nintendo seems to be doing fine in the wake of Sony's PlayStation Vita release, surpassing 4 Million systems sold with 510,629 moved in the week leading up to Christmas.

That puts the 3DS ahead of the Vita by 13% in the week's sales. Surely Mario and company helped drive sales with a pair of million unit sellers. Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land moved software with 3DS units to the tune of 2 Million copies.

Looks like the mustachio'd plumber isn't ready to let the fat koopa sing. With Nintendo, people are always quick to call things a failure and a disaster, but the company has been around for over 100 years. You can't say that about Sony or Microsoft.


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