Monday 24 October 2011

Ask the Commenters Roundup [Hive Mind]

Oct 23, 2011 2:00 PM 1,738 0
  • My college does not allow torrents, but it doesn't care about normal downloads. What would be the easiest way to set up a private VPN so I could torrent legal titles from home computer and than transfer the resulting files to my desktop at college.
  • My phone (HTC G2 with CM7.1) has been randomly going into "car mode" lately, and it's really getting on my nerves. Any idea what might be causing this?
  • Has anyone used KyPass to integrate KeePass with Dropbox on an iOS device?
  • I've finally bit the bullet and Joined Twitter. Still a bit lost in all the intricacies of learning how to be productive without following a 1000 people but I'm getting better. Thought I would get on here and find out how you Lifehackers handle your Twitter consumption. Like are there certain scripts, extensions, add-ons, Android Apps, web apps that you guys can't live without?
  • Does anybody know of a good video chat client that will work over the local LAN?
  • Does anyone know of any online or OS neutral games for improving long-term memory?
  • I need a way to sync my wife's, kids' and my calendars onto one shared calendar that we can all use. The wife and kids use iPhones and I have an Android phone. Any suggestions?
  • I don't know what's going on with me, but I've been feeling really tired lately. It could be from lack of sleep, depression, anemia or burned-out on working out. I went to go see the doctor and she was really no help. Any suggestions?
  • Can someone give me some simple tips for me (that is very used to working with Windows) on how to install Ubuntu next to Windows 7 (64 bit), because the last time I tried I messed up my MBR beyond repair. (Even the rescue discs couldn't rescue it and I needed to wipe the whole drive and reinstall)
  • Can anyone recommend a good pumpkin spiced beer for the season? I don't drink often but when I do I want something flavorful! This time of year I go for all things pumpkin.
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