Wednesday 5 September 2012

Live From Nokia and Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 Event

Nokia, along with Microsoft, will unveil the next phase of Windows Phone this morning at an event in New York City. Mashable is live on the scene, and we'll be posting updates here as they happen.

During the summer, Microsoft finally revealed its master plan for its budding Windows Phone operating system at a developer event in San Francisco. There, we learned that Windows Phone 8 will be a big leap from previous versions of Windows Phone, getting reworked from the ground up to be compatible with Windows 8 itself.

[More from Mashable: What to Expect From Nokia and Microsoft?s Big Announcement]

That's good news for developers that want to make apps that work across all Windows devices. But it's bad news for current owners of existing Windows Phones, since there was no way to upgrade those phones to Windows Phone 8 (instead they'll get upgraded to "Version 7.8," which brings some of the features of the new OS).

SEE ALSO: The Nokia Evolution: 1984 to Tomorrow [INFOGRAPHIC]

[More from Mashable: In Apple?s Shadow, HTC Sends Invites for Sept. 19 Event]

With Version 8, Microsoft drew a dividing line between old and new Windows Phones. Today we'll find out exactly what the "new" in that equation means. The world got its first taste of Windows Phone 8 with the unveiling of the Samsung ATIV S last week, but details were scant. Nokia is Microsoft's preferred partner for the Windows Phone platform, however, and the phones revealed today will push it forward more than any others.

Keep your browser pointed here for the events as they happen, with commentary from the Mashable crew. And feel free to jump into the discussion anytime with comments (though not all of them will be published). For the raw video feed, follow Nokia's live stream.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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