Tuesday 31 July 2012

IT Security & Forensics Self-Study Online Training Courses - Tera88

An Update On IT Home-Based Online Commercial Computer Certification Training

Congratulate yourself that you?ve made it this far! A small number of workers are happy and satisfied by their jobs, but the majority just go off on one from time to time and that?s it. As you?ve reached this page it?s probable that you?re giving retraining some thought, which means you?re already ahead of the pack. The next step is to find out more and then take action. We suggest that you discuss your ideas first ? talk to someone who?s familiar with your chosen field; someone who?ll give you career advice based on what works best for you, and analyse the courses which will get you there.

It?s important that one of your key sectors is IT ? everyone knows that it?s developing all the time. It?s not all nerdy people staring at computers the whole time ? we know there are those roles, but most jobs are carried out by ordinary men and women who do very well out of it.

Many folks don?t understand what IT is doing for all of us. It is ground-breaking, exciting, and means you?re doing your bit in the gigantic wave of technology that will change our world over the next few decades. We?re only just starting to scrape the surface of how technology will define our world. Technology and the web will significantly revolutionise the way we regard and interact with the world as a whole over the coming years.

The average IT man or woman in the United Kingdom can demonstrate that they earn a lot more money than fellow workers outside of IT. Mean average incomes are some of the best to be had nationwide. The need for certified IT specialists is a fact of life for many years to come, due to the substantial development in this sector and the very large shortage still in existence.

Finding your first job in the industry can feel more straightforward if you?re offered a Job Placement Assistance facility. In reality it isn?t so complicated as you might think to secure the right work ? as long as you?ve got the necessary skills and qualifications; the growing UK skills shortage sees to that.

Help with your CV and interview techniques might be provided (alternatively, check out one of our sites for help). Ensure you update that dusty old CV immediately ? don?t leave it till you pass the exams! You may not have got to the stage where you?ve qualified when you will get your initial junior support job; although this won?t be the case unless your CV is with employers. You?ll normally experience better performance from a specialist independent regional employment service than you will through a training company?s centralised service, because they?ll know the area better.

Please be sure that you don?t spend hundreds of hours on your training and studies, and then do nothing more and expect somebody else to secure your first position. Get off your backside and get out there. Invest the same time and energy into landing the right position as it took to pass the exams.

Ignore the typical salesman who recommends a training program without a decent chat so as to understand your abilities as well as level of experience. Ensure that they have a generous choice of training products so they?re able to give you an appropriate solution. It?s worth remembering, if you?ve had any relevant previous certification, then it?s not unreasonable to expect to pick-up at a different starting-point to someone who is new to the field. For students commencing IT study for the first time, it can be helpful to break yourself in gently, starting with an user-skills course first. Usually this is packaged with most training programs.

Pop to this site for intelligent suggestions ? Hop Over To HERE or www.microsoft-certified?training.co.uk.

Computer Certification Courses In Microsoft SQL Databases Explained

All of us are short of time, and most often should we decide to study for a new career, taking a course at the same time as holding down a job is what we have to do. Training tracks certified by Microsoft can fill that gap. It?s a good idea to look for a person who?s got industry experience, who can give you some ideas on which area of the industry would be best, and what sort of tasks are correct for someone with your character and ability. When you?ve chosen the job you?d like to get into, a suitable training program must be selected that?s goes with your current level of knowledge and ability. This should be personalised for you.

Every program under consideration has to build towards a nationally (or globally) recognised qualification at the finale ? and not some unimportant ?in-house? plaque for your wall. Unless your qualification is issued by a conglomerate such as Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco or Adobe, then chances are it will be commercially useless ? because no-one will recognise it.

So many training providers only concern themselves with gaining a certificate, and completely miss why you?re doing this ? getting yourself a new job or career. You should always begin with the end in mind ? don?t get hung-up on the training vehicle. Avoid becoming one of the unfortunate masses that choose a course that sounds really ?interesting? and ?fun? ? and end up with a certification for a job they hate.

Make sure you investigate how you feel about earning potential, career development, plus your level of ambition. It?s vital to know what will be expected of you, which accreditations are required and how you?ll gain real-world experience. All students are advised to speak to an experienced professional before they embark on a training course. This helps to ensure it features what is required for the career that is sought. Pop over to CompTIA PC Training Courses ? a closer look for superb guidelines.

Sometimes, people don?t understand what IT is all about. It is stimulating, innovative, and puts you at the fore-front of developments in technology that will impact the whole world for generations to come. Technology, computers and connections through the internet is going to dramatically shape the direction of our lives over future years; overwhelmingly so.

If money is high on your wish list, then you will be happy to know that the regular income of the majority of IT staff is considerably more than salaries in the rest of the economy. Demand for certified IT specialists is certain for a good while yet, because of the ongoing development in the technology industry and the very large shortage that remains.

Check out our web-site for smart info ? an introduction to MCSE MCSA Certification Courses and www.home-computer-courses.co.uk.

Considering Home-Based Certification Training Courses In Cisco CCNA Support

If your search is for Cisco training but you have no experience with routers, what you need is a CCNA. This course is designed to teach men and women who want a working knowledge of routers. Large companies that have different locations use them to connect computer networks in different rooms to keep in contact with each other. The Internet also is made up of hundreds of thousands of routers.

Gaining this type of qualification will most likely see you working for large companies that have several locations, but who still want secure internal data communication. The other possibility is working for an internet service provider. This specialised skill set is highly paid.

You?ll need a tailored route that will systematically go through everything to make sure you?ve got the appropriate skills and knowledge before commencing your Cisco training.

Quite often, students have issues with one aspect of their training usually not even thought about: The breakdown of the course materials before being physically delivered to you. Students often think it makes sense (with most training taking 1-3 years for a full commercial certification,) for your typical trainer to courier one module at a time, as you pass each element. However: What could you expect if you didn?t actually complete each section at the required speed? Often the prescribed exam order doesn?t work as well as some other structure would for you.

An ideal situation would be to have all the training materials delivered to your address right at the beginning; the whole caboodle! This way, nothing can happen down the line which could affect your capacity to get everything done.

One useful service that several companies offer is job placement assistance. This is to help you get your first commercial position. But don?t place too much emphasis on it ? it isn?t unusual for training companies to overplay it. The fact of the matter is, the need for well trained IT people in Great Britain is the reason you?ll find a job.

Nevertheless, don?t wait till you have finished your training before updating your CV. As soon as you start studying, enter details of your study programme and tell people about it! You?ll often find that you will get your initial position whilst you?re still studying (even in the early stages). If your CV doesn?t show your latest training profile (and it hasn?t been posted on jobsites) then you aren?t even in the running! You can usually expect better performance from a specialist locally based employment agency than you?ll get from a course provider?s recruitment division, as they will be more familiar with the area and local employers.

Essentially, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first job as into training, you won?t have any problems. Some people strangely put hundreds of hours into their learning program and then just stop once certified and seem to suppose that interviewers know they?re there.

Can job security honestly exist anywhere now? In a marketplace like the UK, with industry changing its mind on a day-to-day basis, it certainly appears not. We could however discover security at market-level, by searching for areas that have high demand, tied with shortages of trained staff.

A recent national e-Skills investigation showed that more than 26 percent of IT jobs cannot be filled as an upshot of an appallingly low number of properly qualified workers. Showing that for each four job positions available throughout the computer industry, there are only 3 trained people to fulfil that role. This one notion on its own clearly demonstrates why the country requires a lot more workers to get trained and enter the industry. No better time or market settings is ever likely to exist for getting trained into this hugely increasing and evolving market.

Beginning with the understanding that we have to locate the market that sounds most inviting first and foremost, before we?re even able to ponder which educational program meets that requirement, how are we supposed to find the correct route? Because with no commercial skills in the IT industry, in what way could we know what any job actually involves? To get to the bottom of this, there should be a discussion of a number of unique issues:

* Personalities play a starring part ? what gives you a ?kick?, and what tasks you really dislike.

* Why you?re looking at moving into computing ? it could be you?re looking to achieve a life-long goal such as firing your boss and working for yourself for example.

* What salary and timescale requirements you have?

* There are many ways to train in the IT industry ? it?s wise to get some key facts on what separates them.

* Taking a good look at the level of commitment, time and effort that you?re going to put into it.

In actuality, the only way to seek advice on these issues is through a chat with an advisor or professional that has a background in computing (and specifically the commercial needs and requirements.)

Browse this website for smart recommendations? www.college-computer-courses.co.uk or revealing Dreamweaver Certification.

Source: http://www.tera88.com/computers-and-technology-120796/it-security-forensics-self-study-online-training-courses/

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Caring For Your Pets While You're Away ? The Healthy Planet

by Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

August is a common time for families to attempt a final vacation prior to the coming school season. People call our clinic asking about boarding references again and again. It is important to educate pet owners to their options in caring for animals while they are gone.

One first option that I like to suggest is to have a reliable pet -sitter employed to watch your pets and your home. Depending on the scenario, some pets require regular and frequent visits for potty breaks and feeding, but may not require overnight surveillance. On the other hand, there are many pets that require more consistent supervision and care, or pet owners who prefer to know their beloved critters are being watched around the clock. Those house sitting pet-sitters are available as well. I like this approach as the pets stay put in their familiar spaces. They are managed in a familiar way including feeding schedules, play and activities, and simply having a warm body to be close to. In my mind, this is a best, first choice. A reasonable alternative here would be to allow your pet to stay at the sitter?s home. Both scenarios work fine, assuming pets and sitters are afforded pre-employment visits so each can get used to the other.

Nonetheless, many people prefer to utilize the many great kennel programs throughout our community. Whichever facility you select, there are proper steps to take to ensure you make the best selection for you and your pet(s). Most important is to be sure you visit your veterinarian to update all preventative actions like immunizations, fecal exams, and both heartworm and flea/tick management. In fact, most legitimate facilities will demand that your pet?s healthcare is up to date.

I encourage all pet owners to make time to tour a kennel not previously used. Bring questions along. For example, you may want to know feeding schedules and methods? Ask whether you can bring your pet?s own food, treats, toys and/or bedding? Does the facility have 24 hour staff supervision? What is their protocol in the event of an animal health emergency? What will follow should a tornado or fire impact the kennel? Do not be shy with your questions. After all, this is your family pet, and you have to know you are making the best choice you can make.

Today, many kennel and boarding facilities provide all sorts of extra services. These may include special holding units, some with household furniture, TV?s or stereos. There are often options for your pets to participate in daily play sessions or daycare activities, allowing for socialization and enrichment through animal to animal interaction. You can request training activities if your pet has a particular behavior that requires some modification, or if you simply want to incorporate new training skills for your pet.

Obviously, best success comes with responsible follow up by the pet owner, with their pet?s trainer. Finally, most boarding kennels will also provide grooming and bathing services in preparation with your pet?s return home.

Be alert to the fact that post-grooming ear infections are not terribly uncommon. Groomers may attempt to pluck the hair from particular dog breeds and send them on their way home. I encourage pet owners to follow any grooming episode with a few days of ear flushing just to be sure infections will not follow. And, I also encourage pet owners to allow their veterinarians to express anal glands rather than having their groomers accomplish that. Our technique is different and more completely empties the gland, which prevents other problems like glandular abscesses. Finally, it is also common for pets to return home presenting with diarrhea, cough, or even abrasions on their pads. The best suggestion is to be sure and check over your pet as you enter the facility, and upon leaving. Not unlike one does with a rental car. Certainly, there are things that happen in the best of facilities, and pet owners need to be sensible about these assessments post-boarding.

Do your homework and then you can travel with the comfort of knowing your family pets are being cared for properly and safely. Happy Travels!!!

Dr. Doug Pernikoff and Staff

Source: http://thehealthyplanet.com/2012/07/caring-for-your-pets-while-youre-away/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=caring-for-your-pets-while-youre-away

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NWS: Tornado touched down in Plymouth

NWS: Tornado touched down in Plymouth

The National Weather Service confirmed there was a tornado in the Manomet section of Plymouth last Tuesday.

Three waterspouts formed off the coast shortly after 4 p.m., rapidly moved onshore and caused minor damage at White Horse Beach between 4:08 and 4:09 p.m., according to information posted on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration web site.

The path of the tornado was 15 yards wide and 45 yards long, the notice on the website states.

Damage from this tornado included a crank-out window torn off its hinges and shattered against the side of a house. A beach umbrella and a few awnings were also damaged.

Sand and other debris was hurled into the air above the level of condominiums along the beach, according to the National Weather Service.

Source: http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120730/NEWS11/120739985/-1/rss01

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Monday 30 July 2012

Facebook Photos Go Full-Bleed

Facebook today debuted a new, grid-like structure for its Photos page, now showing full-screen shots and a mosaic layout under the Photos section of a user?s page. The new style ? which looks an awful lot like the photo layout for Google+ ? will roll out to users globally over the coming weeks.

Source: http://allthingsd.com/20120730/facebook-photos-go-full-bleed/

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NASA's $2.5 billion Mars rover faces tricky landing (+video)

The one-ton Curiosity Mars rover is designed arrive on Mars using a supersonic parachute and a first-of-its-kind 'sky crane,' in what experts are calling a risky maneuver.

By Alicia Chang,?AP Science Writer / July 30, 2012

Artist?s concept depicts the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a nuclear-powered mobile robot for investigating the Red Planet?s past or present ability to sustain microbial life.



It's the U.S. space agency's most ambitious and expensive?Mars?mission yet ? and it begins with the red planet arrival Sunday of the smartest interplanetary rover ever built.

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It won't be easy. The complicated touchdown NASA designed for the Curiosity rover is so risky it's been described as "seven minutes of terror" ? the time it takes to go from 13,000 mph (20,920 kph) to a complete stop.

Scientists and engineers will be waiting anxiously as the spacecraft plunges through?Mars' thin atmosphere and, in a new twist, attempts to slowly lower the rover to the bottom of a crater with cables.

Scientists on Earth won't know for 14 minutes whether Curiosity?lands?safely as radio signals from?Mars?travel to Earth.

If it succeeds, a video camera aboard the rover will have captured the most dramatic minutes for the first filming of a?landing on another planet.

"It would be a major technological step forward if it works. It's a big gamble," said American University space policy analyst Howard McCurdy.

The future direction of?Mars?exploration is hanging on the outcome of this $2.5 billion science project to determine whether the environment was once suitable for microbes to live. Previous missions have found ice and signs that water once flowed. Curiosity will drill into rocks and soil in search of carbon and other elements.

Named for the Roman god of war,?Mars?is an unforgiving planet with a hostile history of swallowing man-made spacecraft. It's tough to fly there and even tougher to touch down. More than half of humanity's attempts to?land?on?Mars?have ended in disaster. Only the U.S. has tasted success.

"You've done everything that you can think of to ensure mission success, but?Mars?can still throw you a curve," said former NASA?Mars?czar Scott Hubbard, who now teaches at Stanford University.

The Mini Cooper-sized spacecraft traveled eight and a half months to reach?Mars. In a sort of celestial acrobatics, Curiosity will twist, turn and perform other maneuvers throughout the seven-minute thrill ride to the surface.

Why is NASA attempting such a daredevil move? It had little choice. Earlier spacecraft dropped to the Martian surface like a rock, swaddled in airbags, and bounced to a stop. Such was the case with the much smaller and lighter rovers Spirit and Opportunity in 2004.

At nearly a ton, Curiosity is too heavy, so engineers had to come up with a new way to?land. Friction from the thin atmosphere isn't enough to slow down the spacecraft without some help.

During its fiery plunge, Curiosity brakes by executing a series of S-curves ? similar to how the space shuttle re-entered Earth's atmosphere. At 900 mph (1,450 kph), it unfurls its huge parachute. It then sheds the heat shield that took the brunt of the atmospheric friction and switches on its ground-sensing radar.

Curiosity then jettisons the parachute and fires up its rocket-powered backpack to slow it down until it hovers. Cables unspool from the backpack and slowly lower the rover ? at less than 2 mph (3.2 kph). The cables keep the rocket engines from getting too close and kicking up dust.

Once the rover senses touchdown, the cords are cut.

Even if the intricate choreography goes according to script, a freak dust storm, sudden gust of wind or other problem can?marthe?landing.

"The degree of difficulty is above a 10," said Adam Steltzner, an engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which manages the mission.

The rover's?landing?target is Gale Crater near the Martian equator. Scientists know Gale was once waterlogged. Images from space reveal mineral signatures of clays and sulfate salts, which form in the presence of water, in older layers near the bottom of the mountain.

During its two-year exploration, the plutonium-powered Curiosity will climb the lower mountain flanks to probe the deposits. As sophisticated as the rover is, it cannot search for life. Instead, it carries a toolbox including a power drill, rock-zapping laser and mobile chemistry lab to sniff for organic compounds, considered the chemical building blocks of life. It also has cameras to take panoramic photos.

Humans have been mesmerized by?Mars?since the 19th century when American astronomer Percival Lowell, peering through a telescope, theorized that intelligent beings carved what looked like irrigation canals. Scientists now think that if life existed onMars?? a big if ? it would be in the form of microbes.

Curiosity will explore whether the crater ever had the right environment for microorganisms to take hold.


Follow Alicia Chang on Twitter

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/Fh8FLBoBVkM/NASA-s-2.5-billion-Mars-rover-faces-tricky-landing-video

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Yemeni gunmen vacate Interior Ministry after protest

DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemeni tribesmen agreed on Monday to vacate the Interior Ministry after storming it the day before in a protest for jobs, an official said - an incident that highlighted the ongoing turmoil in a country where al Qaeda militancy has alarmed world powers.

In another indication of instability in the Arabian Peninsula country, an Italian embassy security officer was kidnapped on Sunday. The Yemeni government said the hunt for the abductors had begun.

The country is struggling to establish order following the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in February after a year of Arab Spring protests against his rule.

An Interior Ministry source said it had persuaded the 100 tribesmen, seen as loyal to the former president Saleh, to vacate the Interior Ministry in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. The tribesmen were demanding to be enlisted in the police force.

"The president formed a committee to negotiate," the source said, referring to the country's leader Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

"They were persuaded to end the occupation in return for a promise to respond to their demands."

The Italian security officer was kidnapped near his country's embassy in Sanaa. A spokesman for the Italian Foreign Ministry in Rome said the man was a member of the country's Carabinieri military police.

In a phone call with his Italian counterpart, Giulio Terzi, Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi said the hunt for the abductors had begun, state news agency Saba said late on Sunday. It said nothing about identity of the kidnappers.

The abduction followed the kidnapping in March of the Saudi deputy consul in Yemen's port city of Aden, Abdallah al-Khalidi, by al Qaeda-linked militants. The kidnappers have demanded the release of women detainees held in Saudi prisons.

During the uprising that toppled Saleh, militants associated with al Qaeda strengthened their position in areas of south and east Yemen, placing further tests on the central government control in a country where tribalism and regionalism run strong.

Tribesmen often kidnap foreigners and bomb oil and gas pipelines as a way to press demands on authorities.

Also on Monday, Yemen delivered its first oil shipment from the Maarib pipeline to its Aden refinery after a nine-month halt because of tribal attacks that left Yemen relying on imports and Saudi fuel donations, a refinery official told Reuters.

Yemen's location next to leading oil exporter Saudi Arabia and astride key world shipping routes has heightened regional and Western concern over the country's security situation.

The disorder has alarmed the United States, a backer of Saleh who has sought to ensure that his successor makes fighting al Qaeda his priority. Yemen now ranks alongside Pakistan and Afghanistan for U.S. policymakers concerned with the spread of al Qaeda networks.

Yemen's army has taken back some towns from militants, who struck back with suicide bombings in Sanaa, while Washington has stepped up a campaign of assassinations using manless drones operated by the CIA.

(Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari; Writing by Andrew Hammond and Mirna Sleiman; Editing by Pravin Char and Alessandra Rizzo)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/yemeni-gunmen-vacate-interior-ministry-protest-135322043.html

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Sunday 29 July 2012

DA: Mass. dad shoots 2 kids, 1 fatally, kills self

OXFORD, Mass. (AP) ? A man who had recently separated from his wife shot his two children, killing his 7-year-old daughter, before committing suicide, prosecutors said.

A family member called police Saturday night after finding the bodies of 41-year-old Daryl Benway and his daughter, Abigail, in the master bedroom of their two-story Oxford home, Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early Jr. said. Benway's 9-year-old son, Owen, was found shot in the head in the kitchen and was taken to UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center in serious condition.

Benway's wife, Kelleen, returned home after the shootings, unaware of what had happened, and found a swarm of police cruisers and television crews, Early said. She was taken to the children's hospital, where authorities told her the fates of her children and husband.

Neighbors told the Telegram & Gazette that Daryl Benway's brother Shawn lived on the first floor of the home with his wife and mother. Shawn Benway called 911 to report the shootings, Early said.

Daryl and Kelleen Benway separated three or four weeks ago but were still married, Early said. He said he couldn't speculate on a motive.

No restraining orders had been filed against Daryl Benway, and he had no criminal record, the DA said. He had a gun license that expired in 1999, Early said.

"It doesn't get much worse than this," Early said. "It's a horrible scene, a horrible situation."

On Daryl Benway's Facebook page, his profile picture posted December 2011 showed him with his family in front of a Christmas tree. He described the woman next to him as "my Beautiful wife Kelleen." Owen stood in front of him in a white dress shirt and red plaid tie, while brown-haired Abigail wore a black and white dress with a black hair bow.

Daryl Benway listed his place of employment as TJX Cos., which operates discount retailers TJ Maxx, Marshalls and HomeGoods, as well as Ross Stores Inc.

Sue Brennan, who lives behind the Benways, said Daryl Benway always seemed easy-going.

"He's the most happy-go-lucky guy I know. I just don't see him doing that," Brennan, 47, told the Boston Globe.

Michael Courtemanche, of Webster, said he grew up with Benway and although he hadn't spoken to him much over the past 10 years, he saw him just three days ago.

"They were excellent, a good family," Courtemanche, 40, told the newspaper. "Just like any other family, they had problems. But Daryl was always friendly, always in a good mood."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/da-mass-dad-shoots-2-kids-1-fatally-034615811.html

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Australia loses to Brazil at Olympics basketball

An Australian side lacking NBA star centre Andrew Bogut came up short in its Olympic opener, falling to a Brazil team with four NBA standouts 75-71 on Sunday in round-robin Group B play.

Leandrinho Barbosa scored 16 points, Marcelinho Huertas 15 and Anderson Varejao 12 for the South Americans, who needed two free throws from Huertas with five seconds remaining to seal victory.

It was the sort of game where Bogut, a 7-foot-2 big man with the NBA Golden State Warriors, could have made a difference for the Boomers against Varejao and other large NBA rivals.

"He is a difference maker. He is a game changer," Australian coach Brett Brown said.

"You miss a major defensive weapon. He's among the top three to five centres in the world when he's healthy. The players we have are physical and mobile but they are not 7-foot-2."

Bogut suffered a broken left ankle in an NBA game last January and had been bothered by nagging right elbow and hand injuries for years before that.

Bogut did offer some words of encouragement from afar, posting the Twitter message: "Forget the last one, remember the next one."

Brazil played an up-tempo and physical style that tested the Aussies.

"It was a tough game. That's how it's going to be in the Olympics," Varejao said. "You can have a lot of ups and downs like we did. We knew what was going to happen, pushing, provocations. But when the game is like that I like that."

Patrick Mills, a guard who is an NBA teammate of Brazil's Tiago Splitter on the San Antonio Spurs, led the Aussies wth 20 points while Joe Ingles added 15 points and David Andersen contributed 14 for the Boomers, who next face Spain and confident say they can upset an NBA-filled team led by NBA star Pau Gasol.

"No question at all," Mills said. "We take a lot of positives from this game. It was good preparation for Spain. We're disappointed we got the loss but we still believe we can do something special."

Brazil led 36-35 at half-time and opened the third quarter with a 16-4 run, back-to-back driving layups by NBA big man Nene Hilario and Splitter capping the run to give their side a 52-39 edge, their biggest of the game.

But Australia scored the next eight points and battled to the finish in the fourth quarter, an Ingles bank shot with 29 seconds remaining pulling them within 73-71. A Mills foul after a failed steal attempt led to Huertas hitting the deciding free throws.

"Our guys showed great resolve," Brown said. "We didn't quit. We had some runs in us when the game was going the other way on us."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/australia-loses-brazil-olympics-basketball-141057277.html

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Colo. theater lacked security, unlike some peers

(AP) ? The Colorado movie theater complex that was the scene of a gunman's massacre this month didn't have any uniformed security guards on duty the night of the shooting, even though other theaters operated by the same company did provide such protection for the busy premiere of the Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises."

It's impossible to know whether guards ? often off-duty police officers ? at the Aurora Century 16 would have spotted the suspected gunman, James Holmes, and thwarted the attack that left 12 moviegoers dead and dozens wounded on July 20.

Officers hired as guards are generally armed and usually spend their time roaming the complex, checking bags or dealing with minor disputes.

Cinemark provided off-duty police guards at the Aurora theater on busy Friday and Saturday nights. As for other nights of the week, theater operators decide on a case-by-case basis whether to hire security, depending on the likelihood of trouble. The attack came early Friday, shortly after the midnight screening of the Batman film began.

Larry Lowak, whose son Brent was among the wounded, said security personnel on the scene possibly could have stopped the gunman, and he was dismayed to learn that guards weren't on hand.

"If you bring in security on Friday or Saturday, you sure as hell want to bring it in for this particular function," Lowak said.

Plano, Texas-based Cinemark, which operates the Aurora theater, declined to explain why guards weren't provided in Aurora that night and declined to discuss safety policies in general.

Through interviews with police officers and officials outside the theater company, The Associated Press was able to identify places around the country that did use armed security workers for the July 19-20 Batman showings ? including places like Beaumont, Texas; Lake Charles, La., and Tupelo, Miss.

Some other locations, including a Cinema Century 16 theater in the western Denver suburb of Lakewood, did not have security.

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates has said that the Cinemark in Aurora normally uses off-duty officers to provide security on weekend nights but did not have any working for the July 19 showings that went into the next morning. The theater does not have an unusually high record of complaints or crimes, police Sgt. Cassidee Carlson said.

In Moosic, Pa., Cinemark has worked for years with off-duty officers from the local police department ? typically on Fridays and Saturdays ? and authorities said they were asked to provide two officers on July 19 because the midnight showing was likely to be a major event.

"If they're expecting large crowds, they call our department for additional police presence," said Moosic Borough Police Officer James Giehl.

Two major multiplexes in Amarillo, Texas, including one Cinemark facility, also ensured that off-duty uniformed police officers were present for the first screenings of the Batman film. Amarillo Police Cpl. Jerry Neufeld said that the off-duty officers work in pairs; the town's theaters made a point of asking for them on the busy opening night.

There were no incidents at the screenings, and Neufeld said he heard that people were, as always, happy to see people there to deal with any dangers.

"When they're there, they're visible, people see them and people come in and say, 'hey man, we're glad you're here,'" Neufeld said. "It gives people a sense of calm."

The Aurora shooting has stirred discussion about appropriate security precautions at gathering places commonly considered safe from the cares and worries of the outside world. Experts say that security at public venues has increased substantially over the past decade, but they also note that it's impossible to maintain perfect safety at all times.

Officials have said the Aurora shooting suspect bought a ticket to the midnight showing and went into the theater as part of the crowd. A federal law enforcement official said suspect Holmes is believed to have propped open an exit door in the theater as the movie was playing, donned protective ballistic gear, re-entered about a half-hour into the film and opened fire.

Aurora police said the suspect tossed two gas canisters into the crowd and had an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun, and two .40-caliber Glock handguns.

Some theaters have added security guards for all nights of the week since the shooting, and police departments around the country have also conducted extra patrols that focus to movie theaters, though it's not clear if those shifts will be permanent. AMC Theatres has barred people from wearing masks or bringing fake weapons inside its buildings.

Many theaters, including the Cinemark in Aurora, prohibit patrons from bringing in their concealed weapons they use for personal protection.

That irks people like Dudley Brown, executive director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, who said that he has refused to go to Aurora theater because of that ban.

"What could have stopped this is law-abiding citizens being allowed to carry," Brown insisted.

Lowak, the father of the shooting survivor, also said he believes people carrying concealed weapons might have helped limit the bloodshed.

But Hubert Williams, former head of the Newark police department and president of the Police Foundation, said that the idea that average citizens with guns could keep a theater safe only makes sense "on a piece of paper."

"Reality is much more complicated. What if you pull a gun out, take aim and someone else thinks you're the shooter?" he asked. "Would you stand up against an AR-15, AK-47 military-style assault weapon? Give me a break."


Associated Press writer Mike Baker can be reached on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/HiPpEV

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-07-29-Colorado%20Shooting-Theater%20Security/id-cf28a01f88f74062a0e2e5811e2553ce

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Comforting A Child Who's Experiencing Pet Loss Grief

by editor - July 28th, 2012.
Filed under: Uncategorized.

Bringing a pet at home is usually a decision that parents make in order to make their children happy. For many kids, pets are not just playmates. Rather they are creatures that can make them happy, teach them how to be responsible, relieve them of daily pressures and overall serve as their good friends. Given this, there is no doubt that kids spend more time with pets than any other members of the household. Hence, children are likely to experience pet loss grief with the death of a pet. As a parent, you are probably dealing with the challenge of helping your kids cope up from the loss. This is so because you know for yourself that you are also having a hard time coping up. But since you are the adult, you have to take it upon yourself to give your kids some extra help.

In this regard, parents should remember the importance of patience. Children have the tendency to bring up the topic repeatedly so be patient. Other than this, you should allow your children to work through their grief. Don?t stop them from showing their grief and let them see you express your feelings as well. Always make sure that when you talk about what happened, you do it with all honesty. Also similar to what Christian counseling experts would tell you, talk about death and grief in terms children understand. Don?t use words like God took the pet or the pet is just asleep. These can result to kids developing fears like fear that God will take them or their loved ones and fear of sleeping. It is also recommended that your children be involved in all the activities following the death of the pet. Give them permission to participate in the burial service. Listen to their ideas in case they would have something to contribute to the memorial service. If in any case a child doesn?t want to join the service, let him have that liberty as well.

Also, part of your pursuit to help your child recover is to educate him about the permanency of death. Further, don?t commit the mistake of immediately getting another pet to replace the lost one. This can make a child feel disloyal and give him the wrong impression that grief can be overcome simply by buying a replacement for what was lost. Even while pet loss grief cannot be considered as serious as substance abuse counseling, it has to be done with caution too. Trying to educate yourself on how you can do it well can contribute a lot to your recovery and your kids? recovery, most importantly. As always, be patient and never forget to hug and reassure your kids.

Source: http://www.ajidokoro-ando.com/comforting-a-child-whos-experiencing-pet-loss-grief/

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Saturday 28 July 2012

Five Star Fridays: Hooker Songs Edition (Theagitator)

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Great Design for the Family Room - Elea 2012 Home and Architectural

?family room

Interior decoration concepts offer sensible steering for family rooms you?ll use one ornamental piece or piece of furniture because the pay attention and beautify around it. One top quality piece of furniture, electronics or a painting will carry the impact of the complete space and you?ll beautify around it. Take care and do not over beautify, since all the relations can pay time there house is vital. A decent suggestion has multi-tasking furniture which will be opened and folded back to avoid wasting house.

Rather than shopping for expensive furniture and decor that match, rummage around for various items with a unifying theme, color and elegance for the family space. A preferred trend is cushions that do not exactly match the couch. You?ll use the essential couch, however have slipcovers custom created for the cushions and replace them. You?ll continuously use the first covers later, continuously use a vibrant and exciting shade in materials.

If your family space already incorporates a monochromatic color theme, use different colors. Move faraway from normal accessories for color and add a chair, a bean bag or a rug that?s filled with color that brings replacement energy to the area. You add a study table with book shelves or a TV theatre system, regardless of the add-in it ought to be vibrant and will charm to the complete family complementing the color theme at constant time.

A simple modification in furniture arrangement offers any space a replacement look. If you?ll modification the traffic flow of the area you will find it?s a unique feel altogether. If there are multiple focal purposes in your space modification focuses to from the recent point to a replacement one.

The family space is typically organized around a pay attention, thus by changing the approach the most feature seems will modification the planning of the area. A replacement entertainment center or a LED TV will create this variation, and different tricks is retiling the hearth or replacing the mantle. If the window is that the pay attention redecorates the windows.

All changes within the family space ought to be in line with the wants of all relations. So, you ought to typically select the larger space to incorporate most activities like books and reading table, TV & entertainment system, an area for the computer and a locality for babies or children toys.


Source: http://www.elea2010.com/2012/07/great-design-for-the-family-room.html

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As New Oil Rig Workers Take Retiring Maritime Workers' Jobs ...

Lafayette, LA (PRWEB) April 28, 2012

Drastic modifications are taking spot in the oil industry workforce, with a significant shift in the average age and experience of oil sector personnel. This mass altering of the guard is due to several longtime workers retiring and leaving the brunt of responsibilities in the hands of younger, much less knowledgeable workers. Although the idea of new jobs opening up for oil rig workers is a good one all round, it also signifies a reduction in collective experience, specifically in maritime security practices, and could enhance the likelihood of much more offshore injuries occurring, such as deaths at sea.

A current story on National Public Radio spotlighted the problem, saying that thousands of oil sector workers are nearing retirement age, leaving significant gaps in maritime worker ranks, both in terms of numbers and oil business experience. The post identifies the origins of the circumstance as going back to the 1980s oil busts when crude rates dropped by more than half, forcing firms to let go of workers en masse. Numerous did not refill these positions as the market regained momentum and now there is a chasm in the oil sector workforce as older maritime workers retire.

Louisiana maritime injury lawyer William Gee III believes the concern of offshore platform worker security really should be leading priority as the oil industry replenishes its ranks. Incoming oil rig workers want to take intense caution and heed all offshore security education in order to stay away from suffering a maritime injury in an offshore rig accident.

Suitable education for all maritime jobs requires sector specific security procedures and gear, in order to guard offshore and maritime workers from drilling accident injuries and production platform injuries.

Vice president of accreditation and certification at the International Association of Drilling Contractors, Mark Denkowski, told NPR that in-depth security coaching programs are now mandatory and a distinct contrast from his personal knowledge in the oil sector. ?No longer would you have a individual that is just hired and literally put on a boat or on a helicopter and flown out to a rig with tiny or no orientation or coaching,? he stated. ?Organizations are going to be expected to prove that that individual has been through that orientation.?

This period of transition across the oil market is going to be complex and every oil platform rig employeewhether new, mid-career or retiringmust be extremely cautious and committed to mastering every thing they can about safety procedures and gear.

The oil sector is a backbone of this nation?s economic climate and each maritime or offshore business ought to do all it can to protects its workers from oil rig accidents by investing time and funds into effective safety training and gear.

About The Law Offices of William Gee III, renowned maritime lawyer based in Louisiana

For more than twenty years, William Gee has represented those injured while operating in maritime industries. His practice focuses largely on representing victims of offshore maritime accidents involving vessels, submersibles, semi-submersibles, jack-ups, inland barges, drill ships, barges, and drilling platforms.

Customers include Jones Act seamen, vessel captains and pilots, deckhands, commercial divers, and other sorts of offshore workers, as effectively as maritime employees working on inland waterways and rivers. William Gee is a graduate of Tulane Law School and a licensed attorney in Louisiana and Texas. He has experience litigating admiralty and tort cases in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi.

More Workforce Investment Act Press Releases

Source: http://www.zzinvest.com/index.php/as-new-oil-rig-workers-take-retiring-maritime-workers-jobs-offshore-security-issues-arise/

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Friday 27 July 2012

Untreated Heartburn May Raise Risk for Esophageal Cancer, Study Says

WEDNESDAY, July 25 (HealthDay News) -- Rates of esophageal cancer have surged due to a lack of awareness about what causes the disease and how it can be prevented, experts say.

The esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. There were six times as many cases of esophageal cancer in 2001 as there were in 1975, according to a team from the University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers noted that one key way people can reduce their risk for the disease is by managing heartburn and acid reflux, often called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

"Obesity and poor diet have spiked the numbers suffering from acid reflux," Dr. V. Raman Muthusamy, associate clinical professor of medicine and endoscopy director at the UCLA Center for Esophageal Disorders, said in a university news release.

If left untreated, GERD can cause stomach acid to wash repeatedly into the esophagus, causing changes in the tissue lining. This condition is called Barrett's esophagus, and people diagnosed with Barrett's may be up to 40 times more likely to develop esophageal cancer, the UCLA experts explained.

Complicating matters, people with esophageal cancer may not experience any symptoms other than heartburn, which could prevent early detection of the disease, said Muthusamy and his colleague Dr. Kevin Ghassemi, clinical programs director at the UCLA Center for Esophageal Disorders.

"Early identification, treatment and management of changes in the esophageal lining are critical to catching problems early," Ghassemi said in the news release.

To help people know when to be concerned about acid reflux or heartburn and reduce the risks associated with the condition, Muthusamy and Ghassemi offered the following tips:

  • Anyone experiencing heartburn more than once a week should visit their doctor to manage the condition.
  • Lose extra pounds. Being overweight can make acid reflux and heartburn worse.
  • Avoid eating too much at one time, and keep upright after eating. Reclining with a full stomach can make symptoms worse.
  • Engage in light physical activity after eating; exercise can help digestion.
  • Anyone who takes medications for acid reflux -- such as Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac or Pepcid -- should take their medication regularly to reduce the level of acid in their stomach.
  • Get screened for esophageal cancer. White men aged 50 or older who have been affected by acid reflux for more than 10 to 15 years should consider being screened for Barrett's esophagus. If caught early, the changes in the esophagus lining can be treated.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and fatty foods, which can increase the risk for acid reflux.
  • People taking certain heart and blood-pressure drugs, such as calcium channel blockers and nitrates, may be at greater risk for acid reflux. These patients should discuss their risk factors and treatment options with their doctor.
  • Don't wear tight-fitting clothes.

The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be nearly 17,500 new cases of esophageal cancer in the United States in 2012, and more than 15,000 deaths from the disease.

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about esophageal cancer.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/untreated-heartburn-may-raise-risk-esophageal-cancer-study-210510735.html

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Merging SEO Web Design Services Can Be A Great Website ...

Jul 26 2012

An increasing number of website owners have come to realize the value of having a combination SEO web design services provider when building their websites. This combination is ideal for ecommerce sites in particular because it combines the best of two services in one. It seems logical that website owners would want to use this kind of combination service.

The job of the web designer is to make the site stand out and be different from other similar locations. A firm that provides web design services can ensure that a site is unique and easy to find thing in. Such a company can also help make the site reflect the corporate identity of the website owner. Businesses become part of the website as the designer incorporates the theme and colors of the company on the site. When website owners employ a firm to do this, they usually hire one that specializes only in design.

Search engine optimization ensures that a page is seen by search engines and is visible all over the Internet. This is usually done as an extra service after the site is up and running. Keyword rich content is usually added to the website?s content to help the site be found when potential customers do a search online. It also includes other ways of increasing visibility like linking content both on the site and to locations that are not on the site. Doing these things is typically the job of a provider who does SEO and nothing else for the site.

To save time and expenses, website owners can find a service provider who combines these two important services together. An integration of SEO web design services can bring together the design of the site and the site optimization all at once. A professional web design company can marry two things together that should have been integrated from the beginning, so they become as one. Rather than hiring two service companies, one is hired instead which can result in saving money. This makes sure that the site is timeless as well since SEO strategies are integrated into the site which can result in long-term savings when it?s time to update.

The best providers are those that have been involved in the field and have a record of providing unique web design services and SEO accessible content, and this is what website owners should look for. The easiest way to achieve this is to look at sites designed by the provider and check out their visibility on the different search engines. Owners should also look for providers who give owners tools and training to be able to manage their own website. And finally, the web design company should teach owners how to convert traffic into customers.

Source: http://www.gregri.org/merging-seo-web-design-services-can-be-a-great-website-development-strategy

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Newby Realty - Manufactured Home Sales: Long Distance Grand ...

We live in a transient society today. It is not uncommon for family members to move away from one another. Whatever the reason, grandparents find they are separated from their children and grandchildren more and more. This does not mean they are separated in heart! Grandparenting ?over the miles? is affordable, delightful and probably the most satisfying way to continue a relationship with your loved ones!

For starters, engaging your children in this process is essential. They can keep you up on the stages your grandchildren are going through, what their interests are, what gifts are appropriate, and what the rules of the house are. When the child is old enough to interact, start engaging the child directly. For example, talk on the telephone, send pictures, cards or letters. This is the foundation for starting a long-term, solid relationship with your grandchild, no matter what their age. It's up to the grandparent to start the ball rolling!

Let?s expand on this long distance communication. Mailing items to your young grandchildren is a learning experience. Before they read, they can recognize their name on the envelope and will love the feeling of importance implied by receiving mail. When mailing letters with pictures, one can tell a story about the picture. (Remember, you are also a family historian and can relay stories that will inform the child of their roots: family ancestry, background, professions, locations, heritage and family tree.) Send a return addressed envelope and encourage them to draw a picture for you and/or write a letter. Send books, explain why you like the book or mention you know why they would like it. Even recording the story in your own voice while they can follow along in the book would be wonderful!

When you are talking to grandchildren on the phone, make notes about what they are saying as they mention their favorites and interests: colors, games, books, TV shows, friends, sports, movies, songs, artists, pet?s names, doll?s name, etc. In your next conversation, you can ask about the specific things they spoke about.

Children respond positively to the special attention and care because this communicates your interest and love. This allows you to know them better and better yet, it deepens your bond with each other. As much as it is healthy and fulfilling for the child, it is equally healthy and fulfilling for the grandparent!

Become a Fan of Newby Realty on FacebookNewby Realty - Manufactured Home Sales
Newby Realty provides sales of new and used manufactured (mobile) homes throughout Florida in Bradenton, Clearwater, Debary, Edgewater, Ellenton, Fort Pierce, Hudson, Lakeland, N. Fort Myers, New Smyrna Beach, Ocala, Palmetto, Port Charlotte, Port Richey, Sarasota, Winter Springs, Zephyrhills.

Source: http://blog.newbyrealty.com/2012/07/long-distance-grand-arenting.html

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Thursday 26 July 2012


Raw Food Vegan : Lemon Pudding
Try this nice raw food vegan recipe...a nice dessert !
  • 2 cups avocado, mashed
  • 1 1/2 cups lemon flesh, without peel and seeds
  • 1 lemon, juice of
  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 4 Tbs. maple syrup, or honey (optional)
Peel lemons with a knife. Cut them in half, and begin to slice them. Remove seeds as you encounter them. Blend the lemon flesh with the mashed avocado, dates, and lemon juice. A food processor works well for this. If desired, add some maple syrup or honey. This will be the best lemon pudding you will ever taste!

Source: http://rawfood-vegan-recipes.blogspot.com/2012/07/lemon-pudding.html

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User:EatonMckeon77 - Bio.cc

From Bio.cc

????? - In terms of matters from the heart, nothing can be better when compared to a love tarot reading. Consulting the Tarot during troubled times can help you will get clarity about what's happening within your relationship. Coming to terms using the possibility your relationship is probably not working out can be quite a painful process.

Love reading shows a variety of features, traits, and attributes like; compatibility, soul mates, love matches, love forecast and future love affairs. Love readings also show the past love relationships, affairs, successes and failures. With these love readings you are able to notice previously unknown strengths and weaknesses. We are able to also choose online with free streaming tarot reading.

????? -Fake love readers have a tendency to ask you a large number of questions before offering you ambiguous answers. It won't help nor convince you. You merely wind up squandering your money, commitment in working with a half-baked love reader to offer you love readings.

Even though you may get yourself a online tarot card reading you will find the 'free will' to alter whatever the thing is in the reading. When the tarot card reading reveals that a relationship isn't realistic, there are a lot of weaknesses and is almost certainly to fail, still there is a possiblity to turn this around.

You will find the power to change something that you find inside a reading if you're strong willed and determined. There is something which are pre determined within your destiny and you will have to hand it over to fate to discover the outcome over time.

An appreciation psychic reading will help many to solve the dilemmas that surround their love lives. Aside from love readings and predictions in addition they offer guidance and advise. Tarot readers can offer emotional support possibly at times hope by showing the road ahead could be more emotionally fulfilling. Although for matters to change for the better in someone's love life, it is necessary to bring about some important changes. Sadly, quite often, individuals are hesitant relating to this, preferring instead to keep place in circumstances which are not ideal at the same time frame desiring a better and more fulfilling future.

????? -We all want to know that happen to be their soul mates. Thus its advised that folks should follow caution in selecting the individual since it would mean picking out a partner forever. This will make love tarot reading very important to one's life.

Source: http://bio.cc/index.php/User%3AEatonMckeon77

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Samsung Galaxy S III replaces check-in, keycard, TV remote and AC control in Olympic hotel

Kill Me

Samsung has turned the Galaxy S III into the ultimate hotel accessory in preparation for the Olympics. It's equipped 40 rooms in London's Stratford Holiday Inn to use the official smartphone of 2012 to check in and out, unlock doors and control the TV without moving. VIPs staying at the hotel for the games season will get first dibs on the technology -- just as long as Cody Brocious doesn't work out how to intercept it.

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Samsung Galaxy S III replaces check-in, keycard, TV remote and AC control in Olympic hotel originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/EiMoupL8wEA/

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Portable Outdoor Teambuilding Available Now From Sundial ...

July 24, 2012, Author: tom.frampton

A selection of fun, accessible and effective outdoor teambuilding activities are now available from Sundial Teamscapes, at a Sundial Venue or at your place. The portable teambuilding tasks can be constructed and enjoyed by any office with an outdoor space available to them, including an exterior dining area or car park.

Lucy McGibbon, Sundial?s Learning & Development Director said, ?Making our outdoor teambuilding activities portable means any business can reap the benefits of team development without ever having to leave their place of work. The portable activities have been carefully selected from our expansive range of indoor and outdoor exercises and are extremely versatile.

?Choosing a mix of these activities can help target specific areas for development such as team working, creativity, analytical problem solving, leadership, co-operation and communication in a familiar environment, without having to spend time and money travelling to a second location.?

As with all of the teambuilding activities from Teamscapes, the exercises are designed to be mentally taxing rather than physically challenging. This makes them suitable for all ages, abilities and sizes of group, providing proven ROI learning.

The skills learnt through completion of portable outdoor teambuilding tasks are immediately transferable back to the workplace. There are currently three portable activities available; Electric Fence, Minutes to Zero and Crossover, not to mention bespoke designed event.

For those organisations without any available outdoor space or wary of the fickle British weather, a selection of Teamscapes? indoor teambuilding activities are also portable. Like the outdoor solutions, the indoor activities can be set up and enjoyed in any place of business with sufficient indoor space to accommodate a team or multiple teams. There are three portable indoor activities to choose from; Blockheads, Trade-off and Block Exchange.

To find out more about Sundial Teamscapes? range of portable teambuilding exercises and to design a programme visit http://www.sundialteamscapes.com

Source: http://www.sundialteamscapes.com/portable-outdoor-teambuilding-available-now-from-sundial-teamscapes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=portable-outdoor-teambuilding-available-now-from-sundial-teamscapes

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When Even Pessimism May Be Too Optimistic (WSJ)

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Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Short Guide To Health Insurance Policies | ApostolicCM.com ...

When looking to purchase health insurance for yourself and your family, it is a smart idea to consider affiliating with a group. This is a great way to save money as group insurance is usually cheaper than individual insurance. When you are on staff your employer is automatically able to get group rates. If you are on your own you can find a group. Alumni associations or trade groups may let you join for insurance purposes.

If you have any firm reason to believe that the health insurance you applied is not going to accept you, you should cancel your application before you are denied. Health insurance companies ask you if you have ever been denied insurance, and this raises a red flag. Avoid being denied by researching the conditions for being accepted.

Try to go with a more experienced provider when getting dental insurance. These people have more experience and can help you get the plan that is most beneficial for you. If you are unsure who a good, experience provide is, you can research reviews for these companies online or ask family and friends.

Use the resources available to you. There are several websites online that allow you to privately input your family?s information, and use it to compare health insurance policies and prices. This can be extremely beneficial to those who may not have the time to shop around for this information on their own.

Do not be afraid to make changes to your current plan or to switch to another one. Your needs will change as time goes on; for example, you may want to add maternity coverage if you are planning to have a baby soon. It is important to adjust the plan as often as you need to in order to make it work for you.

Check your insurance rates versus your deductible rates. If you have a low health insurance payment, you are very likely to have a high deductible cost. Alternately, a high health insurance payment will usually reflect as low deductibles. You have to decide when you want to pay, monthly, or per visit.

If your family is in the fortunate position of both husband and wife being offered health insurance, it puts you in a good position. Simply choose one over the other, and in no way pay for both. You will save money, and have a luxury most don?t have, the luxury of an option.

Understand the differences between a PPO policy and a HMO policy if you want to receive the best possible level of care with your health insurance. You not only have to think about what?s best for you, but also what?s best for your children ? if they should happen to fall ill or suffer an accident.

Don?t rush the process of finding the right health insurance policy. You want to consider all your options, get all the information you can get, and know that you are making the right choice before you make your decision. This will ensure that you don?t get the wrong policy or premium in haste.

To lower the cost of your health insurance plan, make the most of wellness incentives. Many companies give employees cash bonuses to fill out a lifestyle questionnaire which asks about habits such as smoking and exercise. Obtaining a better score on the lifestyle questionnaire can lower the health premiums for all your company?s employees.

Many colleges and universities offer group health insurance policies, so if you aren?t covered under your parents? policy, this can be a great way to get relatively cheap insurance. Many alumni organizations offer group insurance to graduates, so you can use this to cover you after your graduate from school and before you get employer insurance.

In conclusion, there is a lot to learn about health insurance and hopefully, you were able to follow without any issue. Just follow the information that was provided and you should either be able to further solidify what you already know or apply it in a way that you had never considered before.

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Source: http://answers.apostoliccm.com/2012/07/a-short-guide-to-health-insurance-policies/

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Source: http://agustinthomas11.typepad.com/blog/2012/07/a-short-guide-to-health-insurance-policies-apostoliccmcom.html

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