Monday 11 June 2012

Social Networking Poses Special Challenges to Web Writers

Web writers are paid to do one thing: generate content that helps boost a client?s website and thus, his or her business at the same time.

This may sound like a no-brainer to you, but I wonder how many of my fellow writers forget this principle on a daily basis. We are not paid to get our own names out there, though it?s a pleasant surprise when clients allow us to use a by-line, and we certainly don?t write to win the acclaim of journalists and literary experts. We do what we do as a means of providing back-end support to help our clients reach their goals. Knowing that, I?m forced to look at the recent rise in social networking as a marketing tool and how web writing relates to it.

According to Fox News, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are becoming one of the most important marketing tools for home-based businesses in the United States. It stands to reason the same can be said in Europe, Canada, and certain parts of Asia and Australia. Simply put, it is much cheaper to use social networking than to pursue traditional marketing methods that cost phenomenal amounts of money.

As Fox News reports:

?Social networks are becoming the go-to platform for online promotion and commerce for home-based businesses, a new study shows. Though websites have provided a relatively inexpensive way for businesses to efficiently reach prospects since the 1990s, many home-based business owners still believe that they are difficult to create and costly to set up and maintain. As a result, less than half of home-based businesses have a website.

By making getting online seemingly less expensive and complicated than traditional website development, social platforms are becoming key enablers of the promotional and commercial activities of home-based business, according to an International Data Corporation (IDC) study assessing the impact of Facebook on websites and commercial activity online.?

Short and Sweet but Still Effective


The long and short of it for web writers is that we have to figure out how to make social networking posts short and sweet yet still effective. Why? Because today?s Internet users are no longer interested in reading long paragraphs of text just to find out what?s going on with their favourite companies. Longer articles do have their place, especially now that Google?s latest changes are looking for longer and more detailed content, but their place is not on Facebook or Twitter. Social networking venues are looking for content anywhere between 40 and 150 words that are to the point.

For someone like me this is difficult, to say the least. I was always taught to be as thorough in my writing as possible regardless of the venue. For me to learn to condense is a skill I have to force myself to adopt, yet something I still find incredibly difficult.

As long as social networking continues to be one of the favourite marketing methods of online businesses I will do my best to accommodate that. It may end up being worthless if rumours of Facebook?s eventual crash and burn come to fruition, but I can?t assume that to be inevitable. As long as social networking is alive and well, writing for those venues needs to be part of my repertoire.

And it will be.

If your business uses social networking for marketing purposes, Carman Online Content Publishing wants to help you make the most of it by supplying you with the quality content you need. COCP uses only the best writers in the business with years of proven experience in creating content that works. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to find out what we can do for you and your social media marketing plan.

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