Friday 18 May 2012 Debuts Premium Pet Accessories for Dogs ...

Centuria, WI (Vocus/PRWEB) February 10, 2011

Web entrepreneur Paula Meyer is pleased to announce the publication of her brand-new online store, Launched in December, the web business was formulated to provide shoppers with a premium selection of pet supplies and accessories for dogs, cats and birds.

?Pets are a large part of family life in our society ? they?ve certainly been a part of mine. I?ve been the proud parent of many typical household pets like dogs, cats and birds, plus several nontraditional pet like goats, chickens and horses from my days growing up,? Meyer said.

At shoppers are invited to discover a quality selection of pet care supplies and accessories that accommodate dogs, cats and birds. Choose from products to pamper pooches of every size and breed such as collars, leashes, beds, assorted toys, tools for grooming, training collars and even a doggie treadmill. Feline owners will fancy the site?s deluxe assortment of cat supplies; choose from climbing towers, scratching posts, PetSafe cat flaps, beds and litter boxes. As for the birds, pet owners may choose from an exciting collection of toys and cages ?including the small bird starter cage, which offers the essentials to keeping birds happy and healthy.

?I have a very old parrot ? 33 years old to be exact ? which I?ve had since he was born,? Meyer said.

The website also distributes Frontline Plus flea and tick control for dogs and cats as well as odor eliminating spray for both pets. The Springer America collection allows people to easily connect a bike attachment that permits a safe and smooth bike ride with a pet. This unique dog exerciser can bring health benefits to both the pet and owner, promoting side-by-side exercise as the owner pedals and the dog jogs. Be sure to check back often as Meyer will continue to update her website with new pet merchandise.

?I want shoppers to know that I consider myself to be a find-it-ologist, which means that if they are looking for a pet product that we don?t carry I will happily do my best to track it down for them upon request,? Meyer said.

To learn more about the specific pet products available at, visit the website?s newly formulated business blog, This interactive platform will also be used to discuss tips and techniques for general pet care and comfort. ? Keeping pets pampered nationwide!

About the Company: ? a division of PJM Solutions ? is owned and operated by web entrepreneur, Paula Meyer.

Paula Meyer

(715) 553-1483

iePlexus, Inc.

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Tags: Accessories,, Birds, cats, Debuts, Dogs, Premium

Category: Cat News

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