Friday 6 April 2012

Starting A Practical Online Business | Web Hosting Comparison ...

Starting A Practical Online BusinessStart Your Business the Right way, with the Right Tools, the Right Web Hosting, and the Right Online and Offline Resources. I?ve Done it, and So Can You!

I started a system engineering consulting corporation in Virginia in 2001 ? a brick-and-mortar corporation, not an online business. Talk about paperwork! And lawyers. Government regulations. Financing. Licenses. Banking. Insurance. Taxes. More taxes.

Five years later, after a whole lot of marketing and work outside of normal business hours, the original business finally succeeding quite well, I decided to expand to an online business.

Wow! A whole new set of challenges! New software. Website hosting. Website code. MySQL. PHP. eBay. PayPal. Disclaimers. Privacy policies. Hackers. Affiliates. More insurance. More taxes.

Do your believe those claims? I don?t. At least, not any more . . . Probably 90% of all Internet Marketing is pure HYPE. The person trying to sell you the latest shiny toy will say anything to get you to buy it.

Can you believe the numbers they show you for their sales profits? Many times those images were supplied by the guy next up the line who created the marketing package.

Don?t get me wrong. There?s money to be made in Internet Marketing! But it?s just not one product that?s going to make you a millionaire. It?s most likely a bunch of products, each adding its contribution, that will eventually make you a sizeable income. Finding and promoting those products will take some time . . .

When was the last time you saw a brick-and-mortar business spring out of nowhere and actually still be in existence a few months later? Right. You can?t start a brick-and-mortar business without substantial planning, and you shouldn?t expect to start an online business without some significant planning and thought!

How do you go about planning your first online business? Here?s the book that can guide you through the tough choices you must make when starting your online business.

What are the essential software tools that you will need to run your business? Where can you get these tools cheaply? Where can you get some of these tools FREE?

How can you create 2 websites for the price of 1? How can you create 50 websites for the price of 1?

How can you avoid making mistakes that will send up a RED FLAG for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to audit your business?

Do you need insurance for your business? What kinds of insurance are available? What insurance is imperative for your business?

If you don?t believe that this eBook has saved you at least as much money as you paid for it, just ask and you will receive all of your money back, no questions asked!

I wanted some other opinions on this eBook, so I sent complimentary copies to two seasoned Internet marketers, and this is how they responded . . .

Since I know it?s 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!

Bonus #1: You don?t need to buy Adobe? Read more?

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